We decided awhile ago that we would be doing cloth diapers to save money. Cloth diapers are so different from how they were when I was a baby so I knew it would be easier than years past.
We are doing the cheapest option, prefolds, seen above, and a cover. There are all kinds of new cloth diapers like all in ones (the diaper and cover are one piece), ones that have disposable liners, and tons more. However, what we are doing, is not only the cheapest but also the easiest to care for. They aren’t even all that more complicated to use.
It’s been just under a month since we switched over and I’m loving them. We are still using disposables at night and if we are gone for the entire day. Or oversleep and running late for church….not that that happened this past Sunday or anything. 🙂
We went from spending $12-20 a week on diapers to about $7-$14 a month. That’s a big savings. I have 40 diapers and 4 covers, worth about $100. I will have earned my money back in about 2.5 months. If I wasn’t doing any disposables, it would be about 2 months. And that’s with the Walmart diapers. I usually bought Luvs or Pampers. The Walmart brand just didn’t work well for us but we would buy them on tight money weeks.
I will need to buy a few new covers when she gets bigger. These ones go from 6-18 lbs. So it will be awhile before that happens as she is just now 8 pounds.
The only thing I find a pain right now is that I have to wash every other day. They don’t smell and I have plenty but I still haven’t purchased the covered trash can I will be using for a diaper pail. I can only fit (barely) 2 days worth in the little bathroom sized trash can I’m currently using.
Keep your eye out on ebay and craigslist- I was able to find some great deals on cloth diapers and accessories.