Welcome to Happy, Frugal Mama (formerly Logger’s Wife), where together we learn to love life on a tight budget. Wondering what Happy, Frugal Mama is all about? Hop on over to my About page to learn more about both me and the blog.
For the condensed version, Happy, Frugal Mama isn’t a deal site. It isn’t a coupon site, even though I do talk about coupons. I am here to help you learn how to stretch your budget until it begs for mercy. 😉 Frugal living isn’t all about coupons but about making the most you can out of what you have.
Top Frugal Living Posts
Why I Don’t Use a Cash Envelope System
Create a Budget: Three Simple Tips
Things to Do Now for a Frugal Christmas
Beginner’s Guide to Frugal Cooking
After frugal living, parenting is a big topic here at Happy, Frugal Mama. I think we all struggle with some aspects of parenting, am I right? I know I am. I see you over there, hiding in the closet, eating your chocolate stash you keep behind the extra toilet paper (care to share? I love chocolate) because the kids will never think to look there.
Top Parenting Posts
8 Ways How Becoming a Mom Has Changed Me
Lessons Motherhood Has Taught Me
Shopping Hacks for Shopping with a Baby and a Child
A great way to connect with Happy, Frugal Mama is through Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. Also, be sure to subscribe to the newsletter!