When most of us think about savings accounts we just think of the standard one that comes when you open up a bank or credit union account. You have a saving account and a checking account. End of story. Right? Wrong. Having multiple savings accounts can be a budget and financial lifesaver. Sure, you can have just one and just add to it without thinking about anything else. Or you could even have just one and keep a tally in a notebook or Excel spreadsheet of what all that money is being saved … [Read more...]
Budgeting Bi-Weekly Pay
When my husband I were first married, he had bi-weekly pay but I was paid weekly. That lasted about 4 months. Then he was paid whenever a load of wood was sold but I was still paid weekly. That was another 4-5 months. Then I was the only income for a couple months while he worked on getting his Class A commercial driver's license. After my husband got another job, he was on a weekly pay schedule. He was at that job for 8.5 years. I got really used to budgeting based on a weekly paycheck. Even … [Read more...]
The Absolute Best Resources for Saving Money
Most of us want to save money. I don't think I've ever heard anyone say that they want to spend more money. Maybe they want things that cost money, but they don't want to actually spend the money. There are so many resources for saving money that it can sometimes be overwhelming. How do you want to budget? Do you want to use coupons? Are you trying to pay off debt? So many different questions and things to think about. To help take the overwhelm out, I have put together a list of the absolute … [Read more...]
Happy, Frugal Life- Februrary 2018
I'm starting something new. Well, new and old. Long ago I used to do two different posts a month, one on how we saved money that month and one on things I was currently really into (TV shows, music, activities, etc). I stopped doing those and focused most my efforts on bringing you posts on how to do things or talking about being a mom. Those are great things and things I want to write about! My main goal in blogging is to help you on your motherhood and frugal living journeys. Buuutt....I … [Read more...]
Fast and Easy Budget Friendly Breakfast Ideas
Breakfast. We're told it's the most important meal of the day but it can be so hard to find the time. With getting kids ready for school, getting to work, and making sure everyone has everything they need, it's hard enough to get out of the house one time. Forget about trying to fit breakfast in there! It can be so easy to just swing through a drive-through or buy frozen ready-made breakfast sandwiches. But that is killer on the budget not to mention not so healthy either! No need to bust … [Read more...]
Creating a Bill Paying System
Have you ever had to pay a fee for paying a bill late? It happens to most of us at least once. Let me ask you another question. Was that bill late because you totally forgot about it? I'd be lying if I said that it has never happened to me. There was one year my eye doctor didn't get paid for quite some time. Which is a shame as I like my eye doctor. Without them, I can't drive, see my kids, or basically do anything that involves being able to see more than 16 inches in front of me. It can be … [Read more...]