When most of us think about savings accounts we just think of the standard one that comes when you open up a bank or credit union account. You have a saving account and a checking account. End of story. Right? Wrong. Having multiple savings accounts can be a budget and financial lifesaver. Sure, you can have just one and just add to it without thinking about anything else. Or you could even have just one and keep a tally in a notebook or Excel spreadsheet of what all that money is being saved … [Read more...]
How Using Bill Shark Will Save the Most Money
You know that you should call your TV, internet, and phone providers once a year to negotiate a cheaper price. But really, who has time for that? It can be a hassle and if you aren't comfortable with negotiating, it can be a stressful phone call. Just the hold time can sometimes be a stressful and aggravating experience, let alone actually having to talk to someone and try to convince them to lower your bill. Sometimes you're just not great at negotiating. It has gotten a little easier since … [Read more...]
Balancing Natural Living with Saving Money
Living on a tight budget can be so tough sometimes, am I right? It's hard to walk by those super cute boots or to not get that daily Starbucks. It's even harder when we strive to live as naturally as we can. We know that natural choices are better for usĀ and our families but the natural living choices are also often really expensive. Yes, you will have a healthier life and will likely spend less money later in life, but when you live on a tight budget, it's hard to make it work. You have to … [Read more...]
Everything You Need to Know About Budget Friendly Grocery Shopping
How often do you get to the checkout and realize you spent $20-50 more than you expected? I bet it's almost every week. What about your pantry? How often do you discover that you already had an item you thought you needed? Or you find something has already expired that you never even opened? The spending and wasting of money can be so frustrating, especially if you live on a tight budget. This post will teach you everything you need to know about budget-friendly grocery shopping. That's not to … [Read more...]
Why Ibotta Is the Best Coupon App
There are a lot of money saving, coupon, money back, and even money earning smartphone apps out there. I've even talked about my 5 favorite smartphone apps before. Since then, I've added a couple new ones to my weekly shopping routine like Saving Star and MobiSave. But one app always comes out on top for me. Which app is that, that you ask? Why, Ibotta, of course! I beyond love Ibotta. In fact, I think Ibotta is the best coupon app out there right now. Now, go download it!! Alright, … [Read more...]
Double Batches to Save Money and Time
If you are like a lot of people trying to live on a budget, you probably make a lot of your own items yourself. For me, that means I make most of our baked goods. My husband takes two muffins for his breakfast and a couple cookies as part of his lunch every work day. I used to make these each and every week but some weeks, especially since the addition of our second child, get a bit crazy and I start to feel stressed for time. Many times this would mean my husband would stop at the grocery store … [Read more...]