They're only under two for two years. I heard that sentence on a podcast for mompreneurs and it stuck out to me. You see, at the time I heard it, I was in the process of starting a virtual assistant business on top of blogging and being a Young Living distributor. The thing was, I had just closed my Etsy shop due to low return on investment and wanting more time to spend with my crazy, busy toddler. Surviving the early years wasn't enough. I wanted to be present. I got out of the shower … [Read more...]
10 Fun Things to Do with Your Toddler
Some days with toddlers are tough. They can be so busy! There are days where you spend what feels like your entire day cleaning up messes, teaching them what's okay and what isn't, changing diapers, potty training, meals, snacks, etc. Sometimes it's hard to find the fun things to do with your toddler, especially if you have a particularly busy one. As a mom, you really don't want to miss out on your child's younger years because you were too caught up in the day to day chores and routines. … [Read more...]
How to Buy Baby Clothes Without Going Broke
Ah, babies! They are so cute and loveable....and grow so fast! It seems like they are constantly outgrowing their clothes. You may have receivedĀ a fair amount of 0-3 month sized clothing at your baby shower but probably didn't get much in larger sizes. Once you realize that, you might start to panic. Even the cheap baby clothing stores can be expensive when you have to buy enough in each size to make it to the next laundry day. You're in luck! I'm going to tell you how to buy baby clothes … [Read more...]
Surviving Car Trips with Little Kids
Car trips can be a ton of fun! Junk food, radio karaoke, seeing new sights. But once you have kids, car trips change a little bit. Diaper change breaks, crying, snacks, thrown toys, breastfeeding/bottle all adds up to make for a stressful adventure. As my husband does lumberjack competitions all over New England from July-October, I am no stranger to car trips with little kids. An average trip for us is 2.5-4 hours one way and we do 16-19 of these a summer. That's a lot of car time for … [Read more...]
5 Tips for Cleaning with a Newborn (Without Losing Sleep)
How many of you new moms have heard "don't worry about the dishes, they'll still be there" or "just ignore the house and sleep when the baby sleeps"? Most those are said by well-meaning people...but it's kind of annoying. Life doesn't just stop because you had a baby. You still need clean dishes and clean clothes. I mean, you can only go buy underwear to avoid laundry so many times. Cleaning with a newborn doesn't have to be impossible. It's even possible to do it without losing a bunch sleep! … [Read more...]
Beyond Basic Babyproofing: The Things You Don’t Think About
If you have a baby, you probably have thought about basic babyproofing. Lock the cabinet under the kitchen sink, make sure knives are pushed the back of the counters, attach furniture to the wall, that kind of thing. But what about thinking beyond basic babyproofing? Babies will surprise you with what they find. After working daycare for a number of years and having two very opposite babies of my own, I've come to find some ways of babyproofing and something things that need babyproofing that … [Read more...]
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