In my house, getting my oldest to do her chores can be a full-time job. The little one still isn't old enough to have any real, set chores and is still in that really wants to help stage. The oldest one, the six-year-old, has the whining, melting, "but I don't like that" down to a tee. Chores can be an absolute frustration here. We tried so many methods of getting her to do her chores. When she was little, she had a chart with happy faces or sad faces. If she had enough happy faces, at the end … [Read more...]
Beyond Surviving the Early Years- They’re Only Under Two for Two Years
They're only under two for two years. I heard that sentence on a podcast for mompreneurs and it stuck out to me. You see, at the time I heard it, I was in the process of starting a virtual assistant business on top of blogging and being a Young Living distributor. The thing was, I had just closed my Etsy shop due to low return on investment and wanting more time to spend with my crazy, busy toddler. Surviving the early years wasn't enough. I wanted to be present. I got out of the shower … [Read more...]
Parenting Opposite Children
My first child was a pretty good nurser as a baby. She started sleeping from 8pm to about 5:30am then back down for two more hours at two months. She never minded long car trips. She was pretty easy going until she hit three years old. And even then, she wasn't too bad. The "terrible twos" weren't that hard with her. She very rarely put things in her mouth, never drawed on walls, never ran away from me in public, etc. My second child? Well. She is the polar opposite. Horrible nurser to the … [Read more...]
Easter Basket Fillers for 5 Year Old Girls
Every year I have to look up when Easter is. Seriously. I never know. Then, every year, I have to figure out what to put in the Easter baskets. Why is that so hard? You'd think I'd know what my own kids would like but I still end up wandering places like Walmart and Dollar Tree, trying to figure out what to buy. I do the same thing with Christmas stockings. Big gift things, fairly easy. Easter basket fillers? Suddenly I barely even remember my kids' names, let alone what things they would … [Read more...]
Dinner Time with a Picky Eater
Why do most kids go through a picky eater phase? My first kid has us convinced that she was a great eater. She liked just about everything. Then about the time she turned three, that all changed. She was suddenly fairly picky about what she ate and rarely ate much, if any, dinner. It was a highly aggravating situation. Thankfully, we were a little more prepared for it when kid #2 came along. She hit picky eater much earlier, pretty much the first bite she ever had. She has a long list of food … [Read more...]
10 Fun Things to Do with Your Toddler
Some days with toddlers are tough. They can be so busy! There are days where you spend what feels like your entire day cleaning up messes, teaching them what's okay and what isn't, changing diapers, potty training, meals, snacks, etc. Sometimes it's hard to find the fun things to do with your toddler, especially if you have a particularly busy one. As a mom, you really don't want to miss out on your child's younger years because you were too caught up in the day to day chores and routines. … [Read more...]
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