As much as I love writing this post each month, I almost forgot it this month! April has been the busiest months so far this year. So much so that I have decided that at least the first week of May will be lowkey, maybe even the second week as well! Why was it so busy? Read on!
General review
April had Easter, a birthday party to attend two hours away, three Thirty-One parties, multiple dance rehearsals, two dance recitals, doctor appointments, and general life chaos. Sure, most of it was fun things but it was still a lot more than I normally put into one month. It just plain wore me out! Now, as I am trying to get this written one day before it is due to post, my computer tried to crash. I’m currently backing things up on to flash drives while I write this, just in case it does it again. Experience has taught me that once a computer starts doing the “need to check drive” thing and “blue screen of death” thing, it’s going to keep doing it until it just finally dies. I might have a week, I might have six months. Either way, I’m backing things up! I had gotten out of the habit of doing it weekly. Whoops.
(Before I could even finish writing this post, my computer gave up. Thankfully, I got everything off of it and my local Walmart had a couple decent laptops in stock.)
Money review
April saw a change in money. With the end of the heating season, Matt’s job is slacking off to 30-40 hours a week instead of the typical over 50 hours. He has a number of side work lined up for the summer since we knew it was coming but it came a couple weeks earlier than expected. Of course, it was still mud season here which means a lot of his side jobs weren’t possible due to being too wet or roads still being closed to large trucks (the ground is soft until things firm up again so big trucks can damage certain roads).
Thankfully, I got my first real paycheck from Thirty-One, we had savings, and Matt received an end of season bonus at work. Not only did we do just fine, I was able to go drop $500 on a new laptop without too much stress. I know that we’ll be able to replace that money in weeks not months like it used to take us. Between Matt’s new job and Thirty-One, we are doing much better than we were a year ago.
Motherhood review
Ah, motherhood. I can’t believe how quickly they are changing. Abby is reading up a storm! We started on a telling time unit in her math book a couple weeks ago. She already knew the basics and how to use a digital clock but a standard clock is very different. She’s picking it up so fast. She also loved her dance recitals and did a great job. She especially loved going to the ice cream stand after and getting a special ice cream that had a little plastic ballerina on top and a ring of cotton candy to be a tutu.
Miriam is talking so much now. I’m pretty sure I said that last month but that is her biggest thing at this stage. She’s still not so great at putting words together but is learning new words everyday. She will sometimes put two words together but not consistent yet. The best things was that she said “love” unprompted to me the other day. She’s never said it before, just signed it, and never does it unprompted. It was so sweet! Even when she can’t say the words, she is amazing at communicating what she is trying to tell us. You never have to wonder what that girl is thinking.
I actually got a couple of motherhood breaks during April. I had a couple days where Matt took the girls with him somewhere then my mom and dad took the girls for the better part of a week. It seems small but those breaks go a long way towards helping me be a better mom. I do need more than sporadic time alone. Hopefully, I can find a way to make it more scheduled.
There’s my April in a nutshell. How was your April? Drop a comment and let me know!
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