Do you ever feel angry and have no idea why you are angry? You feel like if your child keeps talking or someone leaves a mess or asks one more question, you are going to lose it. It’s true that we all have days like that but what if those days are coming more and more often? What if you start your days already feeling over it and done? You might have irrational mama anger.
What is irrational mama anger? It is just what I’ve already described. It’s feeling like you are about to lose it all the time and over minor things. It can be a very frustrating thing to experience, both as the mom and the kids. The real question is, how do you stop it? Here are some ways that can help you overcome it.
Clear expectations
One of the easiest things to help overcome the anger is to have clear expectations for everyone in the household. We mamas sometimes forget that we haven’t explained what we are expecting to happen when it comes to household chores and behavior. We don’t even realize that we are expecting something we having talked about. So then we get annoyed and angry when those things we expected to happen, don’t.
Make sure you have very clear expectation for everyone when it comes to what you want to be done for chores or how you want them to behave at certain times of the day. If you need your kids to stay in bed to a certain time in the morning, be sure they know that. Give them guidelines for how they should spend their time if they wake up at 6:30am but they aren’t allowed to leave their rooms until 7:30am.
Create routines so they know that morning chores need to be done before a certain time or that dinner dishes need to be cleared before they can go play.
Create a period of quiet time
This one can be important no matter what your personality type is. We all need some quiet and alone time in our days. Even the most extroverted of extroverts need 20 minutes of alone time each day. There’s just something about that time. It helps us to recharge and reset. It’s that centering that helps keep us calm and ready to deal with whatever our kids throw at us.
Stop irrational mama anger before it can even start! Click To TweetTake care of yourself
I know, I know. You’ve heard it a lot. Drink water, exercise, get enough sleep. All those things can seem fairly impossible but are super important. Getting run down and even dehydrated can make us irrational and cranky. I actually have a friend who, when I’m being cranky, will say to me, “Julie, do you need some water?” Because it’s true! Getting dehydrated or eating just junk can make me start acting irrational without even realizing it! The same can be true for not getting enough sleep. When you take care of yourself, you are less likely to feel unbalanced and angry.
Walk away
Sometimes, no matter what you do, you just start to feel yourself start to get irrationally angry. Sometimes it’s because your kid has been talking all day and your ears are tired. Maybe you’re just tired of the constant mess. Whatever it is that is about to set you off, walk away from it. Sometimes moms need a time out too. Take your phone and go hide in your room for a few minutes. Or send the kids to another room to play or outside. Whatever safe method you decide on, take action before you come unhinged on your kids.
Irrational mama anger can happen to any mom. It can just be a part of life. Yes, there are times where you will get angry and it will be completely called for. There will also be times where you are angry and just don’t know why. Following these tips can help you prevent it as well as keep it from taking control if you have a situation where you cannot prevent the angry from surfacing.
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