Most frugal sites will tell you to hang your clothes. Even in the winter they say to hang your clothes inside. This isn’t practical for some of us. I do have a very nice outdoor clothesline, courtesy of my wonderful husband, but no space to hang inside. What is a girl to do in the rain and snow?
So my tip is: use a propane dryer. Check craigslist or other type places for a gently used propane dryer. I bought my washer and dryer that way for $100 total. The dryer did even up needing some parts but no one knew that when we bought it. The house where we lived then was already hooked up. Our house now had to be hooked up but it wasn’t terribly expensive.
A big 100 pound tank (I think that is how big mine is) will last me about 3 years. My electric bill dropped $20 a month when I switched over. And I do not spend that in propane a month. I definitely have already made back what I have spend on it.
My propane dryer costs me about 65 cents per load to run (I’m in New Hampshire). I hang things on hangers on the shower rod. I have folding drying racks in the master bedroom. I have a spring-tension rod over my dryer where I can hang more things. I use clothespins attached to regular hangers for socks and things. Maybe one of those things would work for you and help stretch your tank even further!