Abby has been in need of some clothes. She has need a couple more long sleeves in her size, some pjs, and most everything in the next size up. That may seem like a lot but we are trying to stay on the minimalist side on her wardrobe. We purchased a big bag of clothes for her this summer for cheap but she didn’t wear most of it. Or many things were different prints that didn’t go together. It ended up being more of a pain than it was worth in the end.
So now we are trying to just buy the things we like and fill in a little with hand me downs. She doesn’t need a dresser and closet full of clothes. She’s going to outgrown them quickly anyway. Plus, I like being able to dress her in clothes I like not just clothes we were given.
With that in mind, I have been trying to find good deals for her. Matt and I were out of town this weekend so we did a little bit of shopping at places we don’t normally have access to. We stopped at this great consignment shop that I wish was closer. They have amazing stuff at awesome prices.
That dress and sweater set is the one I wanted to get Abby last Christmas but couldn’t afford. I found it in the correct size for this Christmas for $7!! That is way better than $36.
The Daddy’s Little Sweetheart shirt is from the clearance rack at Carter’s but the rest is from the consignment store I’m now in love with (Lots for Tots in Falmouth if any of my fellow Mainers are interested).
Everything pictured, 2 tops, dress/sweater set, and shirt/leggings set, was originally worth $73.
I spent $18!
I am loving how much I got for $18. And I’m really loving how I was finally able to get that dress.
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