Matt and I were suppose to have a lunch date two Sundays ago but our babysitter was sick and had to cancel. I thought about calling around and trying to find someone last minute but then decided we would just take Abby with us and instead of eating in the area, we would drive in the the “big” city. I had some shopping to do there anyway so we just did it then instead of me doing it with Abby the next day. It was honestly a nice afternoon together.
One of the stops was Shaw’s. I got ice cream and chicken and soup.I was able to get just over 10lbs of chicken, 6 tubs of Edy’s ice cream, and 6 cans of Campbell’s Chunky soup for $31.98. I saved $54.79.
I’m proud of the ice cream as after the sale and coupons I paid $1.50 per tub. That is an awesome deal.
But I am really proud of my soup. We (ie. Matt) tend to eat a lot of soup in the winter as an easy Sunday lunch after church. I also like to have it on hand in case of a power outage.
After sales and coupons, I paid $0.60 a can! At Walmart I pay $1.50/can, sometimes $1.80. So to pay less than $1 is a huge deal. 🙂
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