Spring is gone and summer is officially here! Summer brings beach days, park trips, swimming, lazy nights roasting marshmallows. One of things I look forward to the most is having cookouts. They are just so fun and laid back. Nothing screams "summer fun" to me more than hanging with friends and family with the grill going, good conversation, and even some games. But, like most everything else, you can spend a lot of money on a backyard barbecue. That is why I have put together this list to help … [Read more...]
Creating an Affordable Outdoor Play Space
I think most moms would agree that outside play is important. Not just for the moms who get a little break when the kids are outside ( ;) ) but also for the kids. However, a quick look online or a walk through the outdoor toy section at the store shows that an affordable outdoor play space can be difficult to attain if you don't stay focused. There are so many great ideas and items to make outdoor play fun...but also expensive. With a few simple tips and ideas, it doesn't have to be. Here are … [Read more...]
Thrifty DIY $20 Sandbox
Last summer I decided Abby needed a sandbox. Unfortunately, the standard plastic sandbox with lid is $50-100, more if you get a bigger one. I refused to pay that much. I kept my eye out at yard sales, Facebook, etc. but always seemed to be about 30 minutes too late. I asked Matt to make her one but he just didn't have the time. I finally took matters into my own hands and decided on a sort of DIY sandbox. We've still using it this summer! Materials needed: -plastic wading pool … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Garden for Cheap
I don't know about where you live but it is finally getting warm enough here to start thinking about planting our garden. We don't have a large garden but it's big enough for us. I actually don't even enjoy gardening. It's my husband's thing. Weeding and planting have a way of making me angry. I'm fine with watering, pruning, picking, canning, and freezing but weeding and planting irritate me to no end. I'm sure you already know that gardening can save you money on vegetables. That's pretty … [Read more...]