I don't know about where you live but it is finally getting warm enough here to start thinking about planting our garden. We don't have a large garden but it's big enough for us. I actually don't even enjoy gardening. It's my husband's thing. Weeding and planting have a way of making me angry. I'm fine with watering, pruning, picking, canning, and freezing but weeding and planting irritate me to no end. I'm sure you already know that gardening can save you money on vegetables. That's pretty … [Read more...]
Ways I Saved in July
1- My town voted to start paying for our residents to use the neighboring town's library again. So I no longer have to pay $25/year! 2- One of Abby's sippy cups cracked and was leaking. I wrote to the company and they sent me two $7.99 off coupons so I could replace her cup, and get more, for free! 3- My kitchen trash can broke. We were given a Walmart gift card so I was excited to get a higher quality, nicer looking trash can....without the gift card there was no way I was spending $50 on … [Read more...]
Ways I Saved in June
Happy 4th of July to my American readers. While I am off at a lumberjack competition followed by a cookout, here are some ways that we saved in June. I'd love to hear some of the ways you saved money last month. Go ahead and leave a comment telling me what you did! :) 1- We purchased a A/C recharging kit for our van from the auto parts store. Still haven't done it, but we are all set to do it. 2- I downloaded an audiobook from my library's audiobook/e-book website. I like to listen to … [Read more...]
How Does Your Garden Grow?
The snow is finally almost gone. The ground is starting the thaw. All this has me thinking one thing. Garden! We have a small to medium sized vegetable garden. We grow green beans, peas, tomatoes, one pepper plant, a few beets for Matt, and we try cucumbers. Last year our cucumbers never made it. We have a different plan for them this year so hopefully they will do well. I also have a flower bed behind the house. Last year my daisies didn't come up and my phlox all died. The little … [Read more...]