Here we are, at the end of another month. Time to look back at the ways I saved money this month. Just like every month, I do this to help encourage you to look at every opportunity to save. Some of those ways are simple some involve a little more creative thinking. This month is a little different as we spent a lot of time on the road. I'd love it if you would also tell me the ways you saved. I am always looking for new, creative ways to save...or reminders on some typical ways. Shopped … [Read more...]
Ways I Saved- July
Everyone plans their budget in different time increments. I plan mine by the month. At the end of each month, I like to see what ways I was able to save money. Each month is little different. Some months all I was able to do was cook from scratch and use coupons. Other months I have a lot of different ways I saved. Here is how I was able to save money over the month of July. Used gift cards I was able to use gift cards that were part of incentives at Matt's work to finally replace our … [Read more...]
Ways I Saved- June
The first month of summer has come and gone. Where it's the end of the month, I like to share with you five ways I saved money over the month. Sometimes these are very simple, sometimes these are big, and sometimes these ways are a bit out of the box. My hope is that seeing how I save money will help encourage you to find new ways to help you stretch your budget. It can be so hard some times when you are in a frugal rut. Hopefully you'll find some new ways to save money! Thrift store … [Read more...]
Ways I Saved- May
Another month has come and gone. Is it just me or are they going just a little bit faster each month? At the end of each month I like to share with you some ways I saved money over the month. I also love to hear how you saved! We are in the frugal living/living on a budget adventure together and I love to share encouragement. 1- There is a food/ice cream stand near my church that offers a free sundae with food purchase to moms on Mother's Day. We always stop there after church on Mother's … [Read more...]
Ways I Saved- April
Every month I like the end the month with sharing some of the ways I saved over the month. Some months are more interesting than others. :) Here are some of the ways I saved money in April. 1. Abby's feet went up a shoe size. While I may have not remembered that I had shoes in the correct size in storage, I did decide to try on her "too small" rain boots. I remembered that they were too big last year as they were in boy sizes. Because of that, that actually do fit this year! 2. I went … [Read more...]
Ways I Saved- March
At the end of every month I like to share with you some ways that I saved money and lived frugally over that month. Sometimes those ways are with coupons or sales, sometimes it's from not shopping, sometimes it's by using our garden. Every month is a little different. Here are some money saving things I did this March. 1- Matt needed new snowshoes for collecting sap. We purchased a pair that were on sale for $99 (saved $40), used up a gift card ($47), and received a $10 bonus gift card for … [Read more...]