Tell me if this sounds familiar. First baby. Big, elaborate themed birthday party. You make a ton of food, you make everything perfect. You convince yourself they only get one first birthday party so you have to make it perfect. By the time your second comes around, you have no idea what you were thinking. You realize it was a waste of money to do something that elaborate for a baby that didn't understand what was going on anyway and was terrified of the birthday candle. But you do want to do … [Read more...]
Princess Birthday Party on a Budget
Last year, Abby was really into Curious George so we had a Curious George themed birthday party. This year, while still likes that trouble causing monkey, she is very into princess things. So far, even though we've kept things mostly frugal, we've been able to go more "all out" on birthday parties due to extra income in March. This year we did not get that extra income. That combined with my surgery recovery made for a much simpler birthday party. However, I tend to think birthdays should be … [Read more...]
Frugal Birthday Party- Curious George Themed
Saturday was Abby's 2nd birthday party. It was a Curious George themed party as the girl loooooves her some George. It's an obsession really. But as most moms and some dads know, character themed birthday parties are not cheap. To make it cheaper and keep it a frugal birthday party, I did a combination of purchased and DIY'd items. Decorations Her birthday balloon was from Amazon. I couldn't find a Curious George balloon locally and it was less than $3 online. I then paid $0.79 at the … [Read more...]
Happy Birthday, Abby!
Two years ago today this little girl was welcomed into the world.Look at that beautiful baby! Such an amazing little girl. She had, and still has, her moments where she was infuriating. But mostly, she is my precious little girl.It's hard to believe that she was ever that small. Look at her now!It is very obvious she is two. She loves to say "no," run away, and cause mass destruction. But she is also so loving and caring. Last week when I was so sick, she would take me by the hand and tell me, … [Read more...]
How Quickly A Year Goes By
Today is the first day of spring.....although you wouldn't know it to look out my window and see a foot of freshly fallen snow. Today is more important than that. Today is also Abby's first birthday!! It is just amazing how quickly that year went by. This time last year I was in the hospital recovering from a c-section. It was 70-80 degrees outside. I missed all the nice weather and was so mad about it. It's also amazing how much she changed and grew in a year. You'd think after … [Read more...]