One of the absolute best ways to save money is to stockpile the items you use most. Basic stockpiling is buying an item at a rock bottom price and buying enough of it to get you through until the next sale. Sometimes you get one or two things a week to add to your stockpile, sometimes you get nothing, then sometimes there is the holy grail of sales. You know the sale I'm talking about. The one that has so many items at a great price, it makes your head spin from all the deals. Those are the … [Read more...]
Simple Money Saving Tip: Rotate Product
Tell me if this sounds familiar. You get home from the grocery store only to discover that you already had mustard, Italian dressing, mayonnaise, or corn meal. Well, now you have extra that you don't really need as you didn't pay at stock up price. Or how about this one? You go to get one of those same products from the pantry only to discover that they expired...six months ago. It is one of those experiences that always remind me of a simple money saving tip: rotate product. Rotate … [Read more...]
Organizing for Real Moms
I have a confession. I'm obsessed with organizing. Not just organizing but looking at pretty, organized houses on Pinterest. I have this real desire to have this amazingly gorgeous home with everything completely organized. But I'm a real mom on a real budget. There's no way that can happen! I don't have hours and hours to devote to getting everything put away nor do I have tons of money to spend on baskets and bins and a vinyl printer/cutter. Sound familiar? Are you a real mom too? Just because … [Read more...]
You Don’t Need a Bigger House- Make a Small Space Work
I really struggle with something: the size of my home. It feels so small most days. It has a bit of an awkward layout with very little storage space. I would love to have an office space. With another baby on the way, we are soon going to need some extra space. I find myself often looking at larger houses, wondering if moving would be the best option. Recently I have decided that I don't need a bigger house, I need to learn how to make a small space work. I'm sure some day we will continue … [Read more...]
Pantry Organization: Making Your Space Work
Until we moved into this house, I never had a pantry. We always used cabinets or shelves to store our food. One of the reasons I liked this house when we looked at it was because of the pantry cabinet. In the six years we have lived here I have been arranging and rearranging the pantry to work best for us. It's also possible I have a thing for pantry organization. I see these pictures on Pinterest of these gorgeous, organized pantries and get kind of jealous. (I really love this one, this one, … [Read more...]
Organizing Kindle Books- Taming the Digital Clutter
I love to read. I love to read an actual, print book but I also really love reading on my Kindle. When Abby was a baby, my Kindle was the easiest way for me to read because I could read while nursing. One of the great things about the Kindle is all the free books you can get. Sometimes they aren't so great but a lot of times really great books are offered for free as a promotional offer. I've read some amazing series for free. I loved the Gone to Green series. I also started the Maya … [Read more...]